The Psychology of Winning
Denis Waitley
The 10 Qualities of a Total Winner
Quality 1: Positive Self-Expectancy
"Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win.Positive self-expectancy is knowing that you will always be positive when everything goes the wrong way. Self-confidence is not a motivational perspective by itself. It is a judgment about capabilities for accomplishment of some goal, and, therefore, must be considered within a broader conceptualization of motivation that provides the goal context.
"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."
Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve or to meet certain standards;Commitment to personal or organizational goals;
Initiative, which he defined as 'readiness to act on opportunities'; and.
Optimism, the ability to keep going and pursue goals in the face of setbacks.This means that you don't need anyone else to motivate you but yourself, it would be nice if others motivate you because you have more motivation in yourself to accomplish things even if they are challenging. You have the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations.
Quality 3: Positive Self-Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.
Quality 4: Positive Self-Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parentsThey float along on the external current, helplessly adrift.
They fondly hope and dream that one day they'll drift into a rich and successful port, but they usually end up on the rocks or run aground. But those 5% who win, who have taken the time and exercise the discipline to decide on a destination and to chart a course, well, they sail straight and far, reaching one port after another, and accomplishing more in just a few years than the rest accomplish in an entire lifetime. or friends.
Quality 5: Positive Self-Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.
There are many things that we face in this life that requires one to have self control. When you don't have any its hard to pursue your goals. A person who doesn't have self control looses sight of their goals and are easily driven by their emotions. This person becomes less likely to obtain success in the long run. When you have self control your driven not by your emotions but your logical in identifying what will benefit you the most. Its for yourself to know yourself better and to understanding your limits. You learn a lot by pushing yourself in understanding the importance of self control.
There are many things that we face in this life that requires one to have self control. When you don't have any its hard to pursue your goals. A person who doesn't have self control looses sight of their goals and are easily driven by their emotions. This person becomes less likely to obtain success in the long run. When you have self control your driven not by your emotions but your logical in identifying what will benefit you the most. Its for yourself to know yourself better and to understanding your limits. You learn a lot by pushing yourself in understanding the importance of self control.
Quality 6: Positive Self-Discipline
You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.
It may be hard to believe when you’re facing a hot-fudge sundae or the prospect of sleeping in versus hitting the gym, but studies show that people with self-discipline are happier.People with a higher degree of self-control spend less time debating whether or not to indulge in behaviors that are detrimental to their health, and are able to make positive decisions more easily. They don’t let impulses or feelings dictate their choices. Instead, they make level-headed decisions. As a result, they tend to feel more satisfied with their lives.
Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.
Improving your self-image, like improving any skill, takes time and practice. Developing good self-esteem involves encouraging a positive but realistic attitude toward yourself and the world around you and appreciating your worth, while at the same time behaving responsibly towards others. Self-esteem isn't self-absorption; it's self-respect.By working from the inside out focusing on changing your own way of thinking before changing the circumstances around you, you can build your self-esteem. The goal of this positive thinking is to give yourself a more positive self-concept, while seeing yourself honestly and accepting yourself, and removing the internal barriers that can keep you from doing your best.
Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.
haveing a self dimension is Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.
Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
Trying and doing it is really easy why because doing all these type of things that wants you to complete and not letting anybody telling you what to do and you just doing it is really easy so what am just trying to say is that at least trying it will not hurt you or nobody because for an example you are playing in a soccer game and am a lefty for kicking a soccer ball and am in a position where I can only kick with my right so the best thing to do is at least try to kick it with my right and guess what I try it with my weak foot which was the right and I try and i score a goal with my weak foot and all for just trying so trying never hurts just do it and trust me trying is the best part so be glade you try and didn't give up so be you and just do it. So never give up and try it will never hurt to try just do it and just do it.
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
Trying and doing it is really easy why because doing all these type of things that wants you to complete and not letting anybody telling you what to do and you just doing it is really easy so what am just trying to say is that at least trying it will not hurt you or nobody because for an example you are playing in a soccer game and am a lefty for kicking a soccer ball and am in a position where I can only kick with my right so the best thing to do is at least try to kick it with my right and guess what I try it with my weak foot which was the right and I try and i score a goal with my weak foot and all for just trying so trying never hurts just do it and trust me trying is the best part so be glade you try and didn't give up so be you and just do it. So never give up and try it will never hurt to try just do it and just do it.
Quality 10: Positive Action
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other