Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitution for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."
When you are a industrious person, you work hard and are always doing something to keep you occupied to become a better person. This can mean improving yourself educational wise or spiritual wise. There is always something you can improve on. This is one of the first steps in the pyramid of success and this is because if you won't take time to improve yourself, then you will most likely not be able to complete any of the other steps. Hard work pays off at the end.
Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
This means in order to succeed in life you have to have enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm your life will be boring. You need enthusiasm as motivation to be successful in your life. You need enthusiasm to become in your career. Enthusiasm ignites your greatness and your call. People succeed in life when they really feel enthusiastic. Working hard with enthusiasm will pay off you will see.
Block 3: Friendship granted but requires a joint effort."
This new block is all about friendship and what does it really mean? Friendship is the state of being friends and that means that you should be able to trust them and build a bond together. In order to have a good friendship with someone you need to work your way up and be mature. Don't take it for granted because it's rare for someone to have trust/ faith in you. An example of friendship would be when you share ideas to each other so that you can make a better team. Like they always say, two brains are better than one. This quote is trying to tell us that a true friend would accept who you are, whether its being ugly, pretty, shy, rebellious etc. but they also come in so that they can help you become a better person by always doing the right thing. Having a strong friendship with a person isn't something you see everyday because it's getting harder everyday to trust someone due to the facts that people lie, cheat, or just don't care. Friendship comes when you have shown devotion, respect, courage,trustworthy, and loving. You support and motivate one another to do great things in life and become successful. Friendship is the key to mostly everything in life because you have to build yourself.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Loyalty, the definition of loyalty in law and political science is the fidelity of an individual to a nation, either one's nation of birth, or one's declared home nation by oath. In general use, loyalty is a devotion and faithfulness to a nation, cause, philosophy, country, group, or person. Philosophers disagree on what can be an object of loyalty as some argue that loyalty is strictly interpersonal and only another human being can be the object of loyalty.John Kleinig, professor of philosophy at City University of New York, observes that over the years the idea has been treated by writers from Aeschylus through John Galsworthy to Joseph Conrad, by psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, scholars of religion, political economists, scholars of business and marketing, and—most particularly—by political theorists, who deal with it in terms of loyalty oaths and patriotism. As a philosophical concept, loyalty was largely untreated by philosophers until the work of Josiah Royce, the "grand exception" in Kleinig's words. John Ladd, professor of philosophy at Brown University, writing in the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy in 1967, observes that by that time the subject had received "scant attention in philosophical literature". This he attributed to "odious" associations that the subject had with nationalism, including Nazism, and with the metaphysics of idealism, which he characterized as "obsolete". However, he argued that such associations were faulty and that the notion of loyalty is "an essential ingredient in any civilized and humane system of morals" Kleinig observes that from the 1980s on wards, the subject gained attention, with philosophers variously relating it to professional ethics, whistle blowing, friendship, and virtue theory.
Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "Cooperation makes possible division of labor and specialization of function. The modern technological advancement, which requires specialization of skills and functions, is increasingly replacing direct cooperation by indirect one.Cooperation enables people to set aside their differences and arrive at a mutual solution for achieving a common goal.
Block 6: Ambition
( For Noble goals) So what it means by Ambition of noble goals is to achieve your goals is not to give up and to try something new not doing the same thing all over and over again and to be you and it's good to let other people know how good you are on not giving up and making your goals come true and be you and fight to make your life dreams be with you and when people talks about you, do you know what they will say is that you are an Ambition and you keep on fighting to let the world know you. Like let me give you an example is that there is a soccer player name messi and he was not much with money and wasn't rich to even have a lot of food so one day he made it to a pro soccer player and know this soccer player is now worth 700,000,000 dollars how crazy is that once he was poor could not even buy supplies for school now he can buy anything he wants and now one day I too want to be worth as that much maybe even more and maybe one day am be pro soccer player and move my parents out into a bigger house and help my family.
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential."
The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
Self-control, an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses.As an executive function, self-control is a cognitive process that is necessary for regulating one's behavior in order to achieve specific goals
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
This means the quality of being alert. This can also mean to be alert about your grades because you don't want to fail a class.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
Initiative is the ability to asses and initiate things independently. To have initiative means that you are willing to start and idea or something by your elf or with others. When you show initiative it usually means that you are able to work with others very well. If you start showing and acting that you have initiative then you'll be able to succeed in the following objective or goals that you may have or want to accomplish right now. If you show initiative then people will see you as more than the average person. It can show that you can do more than others can and that will be able to boost you up to being a successful person in life.
Block 10: Intentness "Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential."
The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
Self-control, an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses.As an executive function, self-control is a cognitive process that is necessary for regulating one's behavior in order to achieve specific goals
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
This means the quality of being alert. This can also mean to be alert about your grades because you don't want to fail a class.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
Initiative is the ability to asses and initiate things independently. To have initiative means that you are willing to start and idea or something by your elf or with others. When you show initiative it usually means that you are able to work with others very well. If you start showing and acting that you have initiative then you'll be able to succeed in the following objective or goals that you may have or want to accomplish right now. If you show initiative then people will see you as more than the average person. It can show that you can do more than others can and that will be able to boost you up to being a successful person in life.
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
Intentness is the ability to concentrates and be persistent on your goals or objectives. If you have intentness then you'll accomplish goals that you may have never would of accomplished in the fist place. And, when you do accomplish it you'll be one step ahead of everyone when you have intentness. If you don't have intentness then you'll not have the persistence to complete a goal you may have or you may want to accomplish someday.
Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)
This block talks about sincerity which is a mix of seriousness and honesty. Meaning that if you are able to do things with sincerity people will be able to trust you. An example of sincerity would be when you're in a relationship and you din't cheat on your spouse with another person. Don't lie to their face because it will just complicate things and you wouldn't want that . When you don't like something be honest with that person, even if it means that they'll get mad but at least you're being sincere. This quote by Confucius tells you how sincerity and truth are the main basis of life and virtue. It's not hard to have sincerity because all you have to do is show your integrity, dignity. compassion, honesty, respect etc, to gain friends. I can apply this new block into my life because I will try to be more honest with my family and always make sure to say the truth and gain their trust
This skill is very important to reach success in your career. At times many employees lack the ability to be adaptable to their surroundings in their workplace. When attending a customer the employee needs to adapt to their needs. As well with a co-worker, there needs to be a certain flexibility to work with people with different personalities. This exercise patience, understanding, and it allow you to learn from skills that they have. When you're applying this to a day to day bases your boss will acknowledge your ability to adapt maybe leading to a promotion. Many people struggle to adapt to customers who speak different languages that they lack patience for. As well as with co-workers clashing with their opinions and alpha personality. This ability requires a person to know themselves and who they are. This important because when you know who you are another's personality work make that stumble.There is a quote that goes,''There is recompensation for those who attempt or have the ability to be adaptable''. The way they view their environment will change and the way they perceive others will change.
Block 13 ~ Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
This block sits on the left hand side of the middle row, on top of Self-Control and Alertness. Wooden emphasized to his athletes that physical conditioning wasn’t enough. They had to also prepare mentally and show moral restraint. So it is with us – we have to nourish our bodies, our minds, and our souls to be at the top of our game.
On the physical side, it’s a blend of proper rest with a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet. On the mental side, seek to learn at least one new thing every day. Also learn how to be mentally tough so you can withstand the inevitable ups and downs.
Wooden told his young men that their condition depended on two things – how hard they worked at practice and how well they behaved when they weren’t practicing. Sounds like a great formula for all of us, doesn’t it?
14. Skill This block talks about sincerity which is a mix of seriousness and honesty. Meaning that if you are able to do things with sincerity people will be able to trust you. An example of sincerity would be when you're in a relationship and you din't cheat on your spouse with another person. Don't lie to their face because it will just complicate things and you wouldn't want that . When you don't like something be honest with that person, even if it means that they'll get mad but at least you're being sincere. This quote by Confucius tells you how sincerity and truth are the main basis of life and virtue. It's not hard to have sincerity because all you have to do is show your integrity, dignity. compassion, honesty, respect etc, to gain friends. I can apply this new block into my life because I will try to be more honest with my family and always make sure to say the truth and gain their trust
This skill is very important to reach success in your career. At times many employees lack the ability to be adaptable to their surroundings in their workplace. When attending a customer the employee needs to adapt to their needs. As well with a co-worker, there needs to be a certain flexibility to work with people with different personalities. This exercise patience, understanding, and it allow you to learn from skills that they have. When you're applying this to a day to day bases your boss will acknowledge your ability to adapt maybe leading to a promotion. Many people struggle to adapt to customers who speak different languages that they lack patience for. As well as with co-workers clashing with their opinions and alpha personality. This ability requires a person to know themselves and who they are. This important because when you know who you are another's personality work make that stumble.There is a quote that goes,''There is recompensation for those who attempt or have the ability to be adaptable''. The way they view their environment will change and the way they perceive others will change.
Block 13 ~ Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
This block sits on the left hand side of the middle row, on top of Self-Control and Alertness. Wooden emphasized to his athletes that physical conditioning wasn’t enough. They had to also prepare mentally and show moral restraint. So it is with us – we have to nourish our bodies, our minds, and our souls to be at the top of our game.
On the physical side, it’s a blend of proper rest with a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet. On the mental side, seek to learn at least one new thing every day. Also learn how to be mentally tough so you can withstand the inevitable ups and downs.
Wooden told his young men that their condition depended on two things – how hard they worked at practice and how well they behaved when they weren’t practicing. Sounds like a great formula for all of us, doesn’t it?
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
Reflection: Having skills plays a huge role in all of the blocks in the pyramid. Skill isn't always something you were born with but can be something you develop over time. When you have good skills, you will be more productive. An example of developing skills can be like being a mechanic. You will not start off by fixing everything about cars. Over time with working with them, you will become more skillful and be able to fix more things. Also, skills are important to the blocks because without skills, you will not be able to accomplish any goals you are trying to achieve. Skills can sometimes be natural to someone but they can still improve it by working more on it. When someone isn't skillful and does not attempt to improve on it, they will not accomplish any progress. Another example of progressing in your life can be like our daily goal journal. Those are skills we are developing so we can plan out our desired future. This will help us become successful because we are using planning skills to know what we need to accomplish to achieve our dream goals and personal goals. This will motivate us to achieve more goals when we mark a check beside our accomplished goal.
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Team spirit takes an important role in the pyramid of success. When you have team spirit, you learn how to not be greedy. This is beneficial because when you are greedy, not many people trust you and it can hurt you in the long run. There is a saying "2 heads are better than 1." This can relate to this block because it refers that working with 2 people is better than working on yourself. This will help you develop team spirit and make you have a stronger outcome. When you work at something with a good team and all have good team spirit, you all will have a stronger result. An example can be like IDP presentations we have at our school. When we do these presentations we are required to have every member to share out their ideas and opinions. This helps us to develop a good team spirit and have a well-developed team. This helped us out because it gave us all a bigger view with our teams ideas. If we hadn't worked together, we would have only been limited to certain ideas and a less effective result.
Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
The main thing about honesty is everything. if you are honest you have good morals and good morals lead to good things. Honesty is all about truthfulness and sincerity. An example of being truthfulness is not have to lie about things. Its all about telling the truth and being honest to your self and to those who surround you. No everyone understands that topic Honest or honesty. Let me explain and give example of how you can be honest. If you know something is not right then act upon it and be honest. One way that I am honest is having to tell the truth when the ask for it. Not telling other stories that is not the original. Full honesty bring positive vibes. If you are honest, you are trust and every moment.
Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
“Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
to make proper judgement is very important because it shows initiative. like the quote says if you have a dream then you should show passion for it. such as even a hobby is something you should always look forward too, and never be embarrassed to show that whatever it is you want to do you should always put 100% to it and have full commitment. For example if you're trying to open up a business then you should really put initiative into it and make it happen. to make poor judgement of yourself isn't such a healthy way to think because then whatever it is you want to do probably wont come out ass good as it would if you put the full thought and effort into your project.
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
you should always be yourself no matter what and under any circumstance, because it shows your self-esteem. Showing that your self-esteem is high makes other people really want to talk to you because it makes you look way more positive and outgoing. Although some people may see it as cocky, you should always ignore those people. those people are the ones who are going to try to bring you down in life. Make sure those type of people doesn't get to you because then your high self-esteem might actually be affected. this can be beneficial for future preference because when you're applying to a job you don't want to seem like your not positive about the job, and maybe even like that showing that your a positive individual you might have a higher chance of getting the job.
Block 19: Confidence
What I think this means is the trust you have towards a person. The amount of it will equal the confidence you have towards a person. It's always good to have confidence.An example of confidence starts from the quietly confident doctor whose advice we rely on, to the charismatic confidence of an inspiring speaker, self-confident people have qualities that everyone admires. Confidence shows you have a great demeanor to yourself. Confidence is a quality you strive to have. I always try to be confident because when you are confident in what you are doing you do it at the best of your capability. Confidence shows that you are very expressive. It also shows that you are bold. Confidence is a key to success.
Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
I think this means that when we are reliable, others know they can depend on us. They know we will make the effort to do our best, whatever the situation might be. They know we won’t run, cower or become paralyzed by fear. They have learned to count on our consistency and trustworthiness. We’ll still be there making the effort to do our best long after the weaker ones have faded. People can bet the farm on us and still be able to sleep at night. Reliability earns the respect of those around us. We want to collect reliable people in our lives. We do not want to deal with those who aren't. Reliable people get and keep friends more easily, forge deeper relationships, receive the best opportunities, are granted more autonomy at work, have more self-confidence, live with integrity, and carry a clear conscience. So, to realize these benefits of being reliable, here are eight simple actions you can take.
Block 21: Fight (determined effort)
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
Integrity in its simplest form is purity of intention. It’s keeping a clean conscience. But it is also a composite of some of the other mortar qualities in the pyramid. To some extent, integrity contains a bit of reliability, a healthy helping of honesty and a portion of sincerity. However, I believe that the component of purity of intention is important enough to give integrity the status of mortar in its own right.
final reflection.
in the piramith of success are 25 blocks.one block is different from the other.each has a different meaning a meaning that will help you succeed.if you follow this steps you will make it easyer to become what you try to become.then when you are on top of everything and everyonee it will pay off all the hard work.